We are the youth!

We love students! 

Wednesdays at WSM is the best night of the week because it’s when we connect with our friends, learn something new, and have lots of fun! Our time together includes both a large group and small groups.

We start the night in our large group environment, where we sing some songs and hear practical teaching that everyone can apply to their upcoming week. During small group, we reinforce what was communicated in large group. We provide time for every student to connect with their peers and two adult leaders. This is how we experience life change, build community, and create the best night of the week.

The "UN"-Fundraiser!

If you have a Dillons card - consider registering it to donate to our youth and children's programs! Click on this slide ------->

Interested in Serving?

We would love for all of our parents to be a part of our Student Ministry. 

Please contact Pastor Blake (blake@wwnaz.org) or Pastor Ruthanna (ruthanna@wwnaz.org) to volunteer.

You can always call or email (office@wwnaz.org) the church office for more information.  (785) 273-2248